Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 11th

September 11th is a day that in my personal opinion, can’t be forgotten in Chile, it is because it was a day that marked history and the lives of people that lived in back then. But, not only marked the lives of those people, but also marks all Chilean people until today.

I feel that this day began a series of changes in all fields in own country, either political, economic, cultural, etc. But the most important of this day for me, is that it commemorates the death of many innocent people. I don’t understand how any persons can believe that to kill a person cause this have different a way of thinking, be good. When was the tolerance and respect?, I ask me.

I don’t agree with anything that happened that day. The human rights were violated, and until today the state of Chile does not react as they should do with the victims, and they ignore the responsibilities for these crimes and still don’t take charge.

I think that this topic is never outdated, because still there are many injustice and missing persons, and is important for me that is not forgotten, so it doesn’t happen again.

Is important have the conscience to see this topic thoroughly, always think in the persons that died without reasons. The armed forces commited a terrible error.


  1. Sometimes is hard to believe the horrible things that the human being can do u.u

  2. When you say "I feel that this day began a series of changes in all fields in own country, either political, economic, cultural" I feel awful, who this changes continue today?

  3. Maybe the madness were strongest respect and tolerance. The politic power admitted abuses for its ideals, and in that case, unfortunately the person become an object.

  4. I agree with you, this day will always be relevant not only because of the people who died, but because of all the changes too.
